3 Tools You Should Be Using To Grow Your Business
The power of the Internet provides vast resources every business owner should take advantage of to develop a customer base, expand brand awareness, and ultimately generate more business. There are hundreds, even thousands of online applications geared toward promoting business growth, and I'd like to recommend several digital marketing tactics and tools to consider using that have been very helpful for me in managing and sustaining my businesses.
1. Facebook and Instagram Paid Ads
All small businesses should be using social media to find more customers. Instagram and Facebook are two of the most popular social media platforms used today, and both platforms have the option for businesses to create 'business accounts.' On those business accounts you can run paid ads for as little as $10, giving you the ability to reach thousands of people who might be interested in supporting your business. If you're a business owner, and you aren't using Facebook or Instagram to market your business, you're missing out on a huge sector of potential customers.
2. Social Media Scheduling Tools
Content marketing is HOT right now. By definition, content marketing a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services. The most effective way to share engaging content with your customers to increase interest in your products is through social media. All business owners are very busy people who wear many hats, so if you think you don't have time to post on social media every day, I'd recommend using a scheduling tool. I'd recommend Hootsuite or Calendy. These tools allow you create and automate social media posts in advance to save time. I'd recommend dedicating 2 hours once a week to scheduling and automating social media posts. Posting consistent, and high quality content on social media will help you grow your business.
3. Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a free web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. If you feel you are generating interest in your products or services, but not getting the sales you think you should be, you probably want to start analyzing consumer behavior on your website. Google Analytics will help you determine demographics about who is visiting your website, such as age, geographic location, ect. You can also determine what pages people most frequently visit, and what pages are typically visited last before people leave your website. By studying consumer behavior, you can develop a marketing plan meets the needs of your target audience, and increases sales.
If you have questions about using any of these strategies to grow your business do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am happy answer any of your questions via email. Cheers to a productive, and prosperous week!